Class LCompleteBoCollector<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>>

  extended by de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.impl.LAbstractPpComp<A,BO>
      extended by de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.impl.LCompleteBoCollector<A,BO>
Type Parameters:
A - the type of agents this BO collector is intended for
BO - the type of behavioural options the given BO-memory memorises
All Implemented Interfaces:
LaraAbstractEventSubscriber, LaraInternalEventSubscriber, LaraBOCollector<A,BO>, LaraPreprocessorComp<A,BO>

public class LCompleteBoCollector<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>>
extends LAbstractPpComp<A,BO>
implements LaraBOCollector<A,BO>

Retrieves all recent behavioural options in memory (does _not_ check for each if any utility > 0.0 contributes to the decision). NOTE regarding LOGGING: The agent logger for logging BOs is only enabled when the logger for this class is enabled at least for Priority#INFO!

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void onInternalEvent(LaraEvent e)
          Retrieves all recent behavioural options in memory (does _not_ checks for each if any utility > 0.0 contributes to the decision).
Methods inherited from class de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.impl.LAbstractPpComp
castEvent, logBOs
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.LaraPreprocessorComp

Constructor Detail


public LCompleteBoCollector()
Method Detail


public void onInternalEvent(LaraEvent e)
Retrieves all recent behavioural options in memory (does _not_ checks for each if any utility > 0.0 contributes to the decision).

Specified by:
onInternalEvent in interface LaraInternalEventSubscriber
See Also: