Package de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.impl

Class Summary
LAbstractPpComp<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,?>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,?>>  
LCompleteBoCollector<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>> Retrieves all recent behavioural options in memory (does _not_ check for each if any utility > 0.0 contributes to the decision).
LContributingBoCollector<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,BO>> Retrieves all recent behavioural options in memory and checks for each if any utility contributes to the decision represented by this decision builder.
LDefaultBOUpdater<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>> Calls LaraBehaviouralOption.getSituationalUtilities(LaraDecisionConfiguration) NOTE regarding LOGGING: The agent logger for logging BOs is only enabled when the logger for this class is enabled at least for Priority#INFO!
LDefaultDecisionModeSelector<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>>  
LDelegatingBoPreselector<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>> Delegates checking to each behavioural option.
LDeliberativeDecisionModeSelector<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>> Constantly selects LDeliberativeDeciderFactory as decider factory.
LOmitZeroContributingBOCollector<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,BO>> This LaraBoScanner implementation also filters out behavioural option that indeed define one or more preferenceWeights also defined in the LaraDecisionConfiguration but whose utility is not above zero.
LPreprocessor<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>> The LPreprocessor class provides immutable (once assigned, the references to preprocessor components are only passed to the preprocessor constructor which is designed to be used only for one agent during a single simulation step) instances of LPreprocessors.
LPreprocessorConfigurator<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>> default configurator
LPseudoPrefereceUpdater<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,?>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,?>> Does _not_ update any preference.