Interface LaraAgent<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>>

Type Parameters:
A - the agent type of the implementing class
BO - the type of behavioural options the implementing agent class works with
All Superinterfaces:
LaraAbstractEventSubscriber, LaraEventSubscriber
All Known Implementing Classes:
Agent, LAbstractAgent, MyAgent

public interface LaraAgent<A extends LaraAgent<A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>>
extends LaraEventSubscriber

The class uses recursive generics since the LaraAgentComponent requires the type of agent. See Maurice, M. N. & Wadler, P. Java Generics and Collections O'Reilly Media, 2006, p. 133ff. See also A Type parameter cannot be generic. Furthermore, one cannot define more than one type in one ActualTypeArgument (T). So one needs to workaround with two ActualTypeArguments declarations (S extends LaraAgent, T extends Interface). Agents also work with BOs that require (only) a super class of their (agent) class.

Method Summary
 String getAgentId()
          Get the custom agent id.
 LaraAgentComponent<A,BO> getLaraComp()
          Returns the LaraAgentComponent of this agent.
Methods inherited from interface de.cesr.lara.components.eventbus.LaraEventSubscriber

Method Detail


String getAgentId()
Get the custom agent id.

agent id string


LaraAgentComponent<A,BO> getLaraComp()
Returns the LaraAgentComponent of this agent.

component Lara agent component