Interface LaraBOCollector<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,?>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,?>>

Type Parameters:
A - type of agents this BO collector is intended for
BO - type of behavioural options the given BO-memory memorises
All Superinterfaces:
LaraAbstractEventSubscriber, LaraInternalEventSubscriber, LaraPreprocessorComp<A,BO>
All Known Implementing Classes:
LCompleteBoCollector, LContributingBoCollector, LOmitZeroContributingBOCollector

public interface LaraBOCollector<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,?>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,?>>
extends LaraPreprocessorComp<A,BO>

Collects behavioural options from the BO-memory. The collection may be filtered by certain criteria. Note that normally afterwards the LaraBOPreselector is applied to each BO.

Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.LaraPreprocessorComp
Methods inherited from interface de.cesr.lara.components.eventbus.LaraInternalEventSubscriber