Class LDefaultBOUpdater<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>>

  extended by de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.impl.LAbstractPpComp<A,BO>
      extended by de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.impl.LDefaultBOUpdater<A,BO>
Type Parameters:
A - the type of agents this BO utilityUpdater is intended for
BO - the type of behavioural options that are updated
All Implemented Interfaces:
LaraAbstractEventSubscriber, LaraInternalEventSubscriber, LaraBOUtilityUpdater<A,BO>, LaraPreprocessorComp<A,BO>

public class LDefaultBOUpdater<A extends LaraAgent<? super A,BO>,BO extends LaraBehaviouralOption<?,? extends BO>>
extends LAbstractPpComp<A,BO>
implements LaraBOUtilityUpdater<A,BO>

Calls LaraBehaviouralOption.getSituationalUtilities(LaraDecisionConfiguration) NOTE regarding LOGGING: The agent logger for logging BOs is only enabled when the logger for this class is enabled at least for Priority#INFO!

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void onInternalEvent(LaraEvent e)
          Only for internal super classes beeing part of the LARA core.
Methods inherited from class de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.impl.LAbstractPpComp
castEvent, logBOs
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface de.cesr.lara.components.preprocessor.LaraPreprocessorComp

Constructor Detail


public LDefaultBOUpdater()
Method Detail


public void onInternalEvent(LaraEvent e)
Description copied from interface: LaraInternalEventSubscriber
Only for internal super classes beeing part of the LARA core. Use this in your base class to react on events, when the reaction should not be overridden by subclasses.

Specified by:
onInternalEvent in interface LaraInternalEventSubscriber
See Also: