Class LAbstractEnvironmentalProperty<V>

  extended by de.cesr.lara.components.LaraProperty<LAbstractEnvironmentalProperty<V>,V>
      extended by de.cesr.lara.components.environment.impl.LAbstractEnvironmentalProperty<V>
Type Parameters:
V - type of property's value
Direct Known Subclasses:
LEnvironmentalIntProperty, LEnvironmentalListOfStringProperty, LEnvironmentalProperty

public abstract class LAbstractEnvironmentalProperty<V>
extends LaraProperty<LAbstractEnvironmentalProperty<V>,V>

Subclasses need to override LaraProperty.getModifiedProperty(Object) and return their own type in order to be stored as their type in the environment!

Field Summary
protected  LaraEnvironment environment
          environment this property is associated with
Constructor Summary
LAbstractEnvironmentalProperty(String key, LaraEnvironment env)
Method Summary
 LaraEnvironment getEnvironment()
          Getter of the property environment
Methods inherited from class de.cesr.lara.components.LaraProperty
equals, getKey, getModifiedProperty, getRefreshedProperty, getTimestamp, getValue, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected LaraEnvironment environment
environment this property is associated with

Constructor Detail


public LAbstractEnvironmentalProperty(String key,
                                      LaraEnvironment env)
key - the LEnvironmentalProperty's name
env - the LaraEnvironment the property belongs to
Method Detail


public LaraEnvironment getEnvironment()
Getter of the property environment

environment this property is associated with.